I had it all noted down as you showed me . 我按照你告诉的办法都记下来了。
I have it all in transcript and edited . 这些我都已经记下来并整理出来了。
The guy had it all . 这家伙真走运。
Strike down the barons, and cardinals will have it all their own way . 把贵族们打倒了,主教们就可以为所欲为了。
If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way . 要是大伙儿对残暴的人都一味和气,一味顺从,那坏人可就要由着性儿胡作非为了。
He crawled to another chimney and waited; it was so cold that he had a wild wish to merge into the icy bricks of the chimney and have it all over . 他爬到另一个烟囱边等待着;他浑身冷得厉害,真希望自己能与烟囱的冷冰冰的砖块混为一体,把这桩事全部了结。
And for this reason , we never have it all 由于这个原因,我们永远不能拥有一切。
" well , we had it all right , " he answered “噢,我们是欠了这笔帐, ”他回答。
We had it all to ourselves , man . you ' re right 对,我们都深爱着这里你是对的
They can have it all - but only at a high price 他们是什么都有了,只不过代价惨重。
have it allとは意味:欲しい物をすべて手に入れる、望みをすべてかなえる、すべてが思いどおりになる When Jill got promoted at work and got married to her boyfriend, she thought she could have it all. 職場で昇進し、ボーイフレンドと結婚した時、ジルはすべてうまくいくと思った。